Clients & Testimonials
I pioneered the “Industrial Strength Advertising” program for clients in heavy industry, which resulted in costs savings for clients.
“Leita is interested in getting the job done. Getting the job done in the right way. She’s uncompromising in her pursuit of excellence… Her energy, leadership and commitment to excellence is a tone-setter. A polished, determined example of discipline..Takes a lot of people with her.” Barry Grimes
Leita did a great job wherever she was assigned. She made a rapid rise in our company. Everyone was impressed with her work ethic and her results. Bruce A. Nordstrom, Co-Chairman, Nordstrom
Ms. Hermanson is ambitious, talented, organized and well-liked in our community. I have been pleased with her work. Lonnie G. Eaton, Publisher, Selah Optimist
Very good. Very professional. I am impressed… David Taylor, Reel Wilderness Adventures
Good listener and communicator, sensitive to our needs. Creative, enthusiastic…met all our deadlines. I would highly recommend…to anyone. Don Grimes, Glacier Northwest
Leita’s commitment to excellence and her drive to be the best she can be quickly put her in a position to be promoted into leadership roles within our company. Her creativity and hard work were additional qualities that helped her continually exceed figures from the year before. Leita won many honors while employed with our company and set an example in having a true proprietorship attitude. Truly an asset. Juliana Dennis, Store Manager, Nordstrom
Central Washington Veterans Counseling
Battered Women’s Justice Project
Department of Veterans Affairs, Caregiver Program
The Wenatchee World
Wenatchee Valley Tourism Bureau
Write On The River
Arts Council of Snohomish Co.
American Avionics
Argus Pacific
Aviation Training/Research
AvSim Flight Simulation
Bucher Aerospace
Ballard Diving & Salvage
Chelgren DDS
Clear Approach
Corporate Travel
Davis Wire
Dive Commercial Int’l
Don Hall Investigative
Downtown Everett Assoc.
Everett 4th of July Committee
Evergreen Community Dev.
Fashion Blanks
Fresh Paint Festival
Ferrell Schultz (Law)
Galvin Flying
Glacier Northwest
Henry Cogswell College
Human Systems
Husky Int’l
Initiative for Rural Innovation
Interwest Construction
Jimbara Snowboard Co
Kells Irish Restaurant
Lee Strasberg Acting
Lewis Rock & Redi-Mix
Litho Craft
Meeting Professionals
Machinists’ Inc.
Mother Nature
North Star Ice
Oaktree Financial
Open Space
PDS Technical
Peninsula Lofts
Wavelink (was Point Information Network)
Premiere America
Print King & Copy
Prime Pacific Bank
Puget Sound Truck
Rain City Players
Reel Wilderness Adventures
Savory Table
Selah Optimist
Snohomish Artist Guild
Speedy Auto Glass
Sweet Cakes
TransAmerica Auto
Triad Machinery
The Vemo Company
Westwind Computing
Yakima Herald Republic