Published by Leita Hermanson on

Dr. Kathleen Plinske, President of Valencia College, will open the conference at 9 a.m., with the keynote presentation. Plinkske plans to share perspectives on recent education research results, new grants, and some of the interventions resulting from CFEED research projects, such as the Osceola Prosper project.

“The Osceloa Prosper project illustrates how data analytics can be used to help students in their educational journey,” said Diana Pienaar, CFEED Director. “Findings from a CFEED report were helpful in establishing the Osceola Prosper Program for School District of Osceola County (SDOC) graduates.”

Pienaar said the CFEED Summit is a gathering meant to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among educators from across the Central Florida region. Educators, CFEED partners, and those who serve on CFEED’s Governance boards will facilitate six different breakout sessions on topics such as key recent research findings, data-driven decision-making, and intervention approaches. Attendees will be able to delve into topics on K-12 strategies to guide students towards higher education pathways, the advantages of dual enrollment, predictive analytics tools, current CFEED research, and more.

By participating, you not only seize the opportunity to enhance student achievements and open doors of opportunity but also become an integral part of a dynamic community dedicated to sculpting the future of education. The CFEED Annual Summit looks forward to welcoming educators and partners to unlock the power of collaboration, research-driven strategies, and innovative pathways, all aimed at propelling education in Central Florida towards new horizons.

About CFEED:

The CFEED partnership includes Orange County Public Schools (OCPS), School District of Osceola County (SDOC), University of Central Florida (UCF), Valencia College , and Midtown Consulting Group.  With support from Helios Education Foundation and WestEd, CFEED partners are engaged in a Collaborative Design Phase to grow organizational capacity and develop hypotheses on student readiness, through an innovative project intended to support student success all along the pre-kindergarten to postsecondary continuum. The Central Florida Education Eco System Database (CFEED) brings together four large-scale education institutions under one collaborative initiative, funded by Helios Education Foundation, to share information, identify opportunities to enhance learning and propel the educational attainment of all Central Florida students.


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